North Lincolnshire Adult Education 01724 297146
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Pathway to Work

If you would like to Apply/Enrol to this course, please click the 'APPLY' or 'ENROL' button now. (If there is more than one course listed, select the course with the start date and location that best suits you.) If the course is currently full, it will be unavailable for Application, but you can request more information or ask to be placed on a waiting list by clicking the 'ENQUIRE' button and completing a short form. If you would like more information about the course, please call our friendly team on 01724 297146.

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Will I have to pay fees?

We need to check what course you are enrolling on and what your age and income status is first. You may be entitled to a free or reduced cost place if you are in receipt of benefits, you depend financially on someone who does, or are working but on a low wage (£22,308 annual gross salary)

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Course Description


Pathway to Work

Content and Overview
Pathway to Work is a two-day course tailored to individual employability needs which will provide you with a working pathway document you will be able to use to demonstrate the skills you have learnt.

Initial assessement date: 21 March 2025

Time: 10am-11am

Location:  Ashby Community Hub, High Street, Scunthorpe, DN16 2UT

From completing an initial assessment, you will be able to identify your own learning requirements from the following topic areas:

  • Confidence and Success
  • Resilience and a Positive Mindset
  • Effective communication and teamwork
  • Know your skills – discover your strengths and transferable skills
  • CVs
  • Interview Skills and Effective Communication
  • Effective Job search including the hidden jobs market
  • Application Forms

Suitable for

Anyone who wants to enter or re-enter the job market and is looking to improve their employment chances.

Entry requirements
You must be aged 19+ on 31 August 2024 and be UK resident for at least 3 years to join this course as an adult learner. Applications also invited from people younger than 19 years.

Delivery Method
This 2-day course will be delivered face to face at the Pods, Ashby Road, Scunthorpe, DN16 1AA.

Free of charge.

If you need any more information, please contact our Customer Service team on 01724 297146.