North Lincolnshire Adult Education 01724 297146
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Essential Digital Skills - All levels

If you would like to Apply/Enrol to this course, please click the 'APPLY' or 'ENROL' button now. (If there is more than one course listed, select the course with the start date and location that best suits you.) If the course is currently full, it will be unavailable for Application, but you can request more information or ask to be placed on a waiting list by clicking the 'ENQUIRE' button and completing a short form. If you would like more information about the course, please call our friendly team on 01724 297146.

Course NameStart DateEnd DateStart TimeEnd TimeSite 
Essential Digital Skills - All levels    Ashby Community HubAvailable for applications

Will I have to pay fees?

We need to check what course you are enrolling on and what your age and income status is first. You may be entitled to a free or reduced cost place if you are in receipt of benefits, you depend financially on someone who does, or are working but on a low wage (£22,308 annual gross salary)

More information about this Course

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Course Description

** You can apply at any time during the academic year **

* Please note that when you apply for a course, you will not be enrolled onto the course until you have completed the Skills Level check mentioned below (unless you are a previous EDSQ learner) *

When you come for your Skills Level check, you will be offered the class which suits your learning needs (evening classes might be available).
Please apply or enquire and one of our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Essential Digital Skills (EDSQ)

Course Content and Overview
This course will teach you how to use ICT (computers). The content is based on the Government’s National Standards for Essential Digital Skills.

  • • Using devices and handling information
    • Creating and editing documents
    • Communicating
    • Transacting
    • Being safe and responsible online

Adults who are looking to learn, update or refresh their knowledge of computers.

Delivery method
You will mainly be using a computer.

Application Method
You can apply for this course using the 'Apply Now' button at the top of the page. You will need to complete all relevant details in the application form and to upload the evidence which supports your application (including ID).
If you do not have anyone to help you with this, you can call our friendly team on 01724 297146 and they will be able to take your application details over the telephone.
A member of our Customer Service Team will check your eligibility and forward your application to a course tutor.
If you are a NEW LEARNER, you will be required to attend a Skills Level check before the course starts - please call 01724 297146 to book a date and time.  This will also identify any learning support needs you may have. The tutor will also assess your current digital knowledge to get you on the correct course level.

If you require more information about this course, please use this link:- Course Information Enquiry to enquire from our website or telephone our Customer Service Team on 01724 297146.

An individual learning plan will provide you with the structure and level of learning for the course. Your progress during the course is assessed using question and answer, observation and computer tasks. You will be given regular verbal and written feedback. You will be assessed with an online computer-based test at the end of the course.

Entry requirements
You will be required to attend an initial assessment at a Community Hub to determine your eligibility for the course.
Your English must also be to a standard to enable you to complete any written assignments.
You must complete an online induction, which includes online safety, before you begin a course with us.

Additional Information
Please bring a notepad and a pen.

Progression route
After achieving this qualification, you could progress to:

Level 1 Award in Cybersecurity

Why you should study with us
Please click here to see our FAQ page

DISCLAIMER: When applying for this course, you must provide evidence to confirm eligibility for funding, proof of ID and full address. Applying for a course does not mean you are automatically enrolled. You must be 19+ on 31 August 2024 and UK resident for at least 3 years. If you have not lived in the UK for 3 years, you can still do a course with us, but you may need to pay for your course, depending on your immigration status. Please contact us on 01724 297146 for more information.

Our dedicated team will be happy to help – please call us or contact us here:- $(document).ready(function () { // Hide & show details on fees (without popping the browser window to the top on each click!) $(".slidingDiv").hide(); $(".show_hide").show(); $('.show_hide').click(function (e) { $(".slidingDiv").slideToggle(); e.preventDefault(); }); // End hide & show });